Health update: Scared, but resilient

an act of traveling from one place to another.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have developed false faith that I was better. I convinced myself that December’s visit to the Endocrinologist was so good, that I could get back together with carbs on a regular basis. I have been evolving my diet the way I have in the past…after months of being good, I believed I was on the right track and could afford eating the way so many people around me do indulging in carbs on a regular basis.

I was wrong. Very wrong.

This morning’s appointment was eye opening. When I started this journey back in November, my testosterone level was at 90. The healthy rating for a woman is 30. If I did not get treated, I was on a path to have heart failure. In the next decade. After starting this blog and staying very disciplined in my carb breakup, I got my testosterone level down to 53. This gave me false comfort to allow carbs to creep back into my life…first, when I was stressed. Then, on the weekends. And ultimately, whenever I felt like it. My testosterone level was at 56.

My Endocrinologist is one of the kindest, most talented people I have ever met. Today’s appointment would have been terrifying if it wasn’t for his sense of humor, open dialog, and genuine concern he has for me and all of his patients. Even with his skill and kindness, today was still a very scary wake up call.

I shared with Dr. Marcus that I have been exhausted. I was exhausted from staying on the diet and feeling so limited. Exhausted from taking so many pills every night. I admitted that I have not stuck to 110g of carbs today, had not been regularly exercising 20 minutes a day, and even have been skipping medication on days I am over taking pills. Admitting all of this to him was obviously imperative for him to help course correct, but more importantly, it caused me to be honest with myself.

In addition to staying on track with my carb breakup, Dr. Marcus made the following adjustments to treat my Insulin Resistance and PCOS. Every case is different, but here is how we are approaching my journey to health:

Increased Metformin from 500mg to 2000mg. I am not happy to take 4 times as many pills. (larger pills are available, I am just not a strong pill taker). I have read various posts from many of you about Metformin side effects which had not really been bad for me before. I will be interested to see how side effects progress with this higher dosage.

strong>Exercising 20 minutes a day is imperative. Time to look back at my tips to wakeup in the morning and exercise. The epic battle with the snooze button will continue.

Now for the newest and for me, the scariest change. Once a week, I will now need to give myself an injection. For those of you that have been following my journey, you know that I am terrified with needles which is why the Glucose Tolerance Test was so difficult for me. Each week I will be injecting myself with Tanzeum. My doctor was very open to discussing this medication and we decided it would be the best thing for expediting a cure for my PCOS and Insulin Resistance. I will admit that when he mentioned this, I hit the cap on holding in my emotions. It was hard enough to hear that if I did not get my diet and health in order, I would likely not make it to my 50th birthday in 20 years. Then learning that my results needed pushing and it was time to introduce injections…I lost it in his office. He kindly listened and coached me through how to use this prescription. I was shaking in fear to give myself my first shot…but I did it. I really did. I feel braver and stronger for being able to do this. As much as I hate needles, I will do whatever it takes to be healthy again. For those of you interested in learning more about this prescription, check out this

9 thoughts on “Health update: Scared, but resilient

  1. Hi, I’m from Life on Bright. I have just started a nutritional plan called Isagenix that may help you. I went low-carb a while back and felt exactly what you described. Deprived. Sluggish. An outsider at anything that involved food. This program has helped me regain my energy and lose weight without these feelings or going hungry. Please let me know if you are interested as I want to share this discovery with everyone! 🙂

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  2. When I was diagnosed in 1992 , they didn’t really understand about insulin resistance , and I was made to inject straight away ..I hope to tell my story in a blog however I have 23yrs to discuss !! All I can say is I am insulin resistant and on Insulin ! so I take Metformin too …I have had 3 children ..and recently turned my life round with Alternative routes hence the title !

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am sorry that you are going through such a tough time. I am a newly diagnosed pre-diabetic myself. Since I am trying to get pregnant I have been put on a strict regimen myself. So I understand what you are going through. I will say this though I remind myself everyday, that I have a blessing. I have the opportunity to fight this. It isn’t something we can do nothing about. So I remind myself everyday, that while I may not be able to do what others are able to, I am able to do something about my health. Good luck to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Just take it one day at time. Celebrate every victory. It sucks sometimes when you have to work so hard and it seems so effortless for others. I would suggest talking to your doctor about meeting with a nutritionist, often they can give you an idea of places to go for recipes, shopping, etc.

    As for working out regularly, I try using technology to keep me motivated and on track. I use apps like My Fitness Pal, FitBit, Pact, MapMyRun, etc. You may want to try that as well.

    Just keep your head up.

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  5. I can only imagine how you felt; I know the struggle I’ve had with bringing my diet and carb intake under control and can empathize.

    You should be proud of yourself; you took several big, positive steps! Know you’ll be in my prayers :0)

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  6. I had to make it a lifestyle change, because any time I eat any of the bad carbs my body starts yelling and fibromyalgia symptoms return. So not worth it. Our family has adapted and we can’t even smell the junk anymore. Stay the course it’s so worth it 😁


  7. Sorry that you have to go through all of this – it sucks. I can empathise with the “false faith” feelings and it’s not always the easiest thing to be honest with yourself – I’ve recently started my own journey to clean eating for PCOS (only a couple of months in). It’s a rocky road., but yes, you are doing something about it! Thinking of you!

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